Difference between online and virtual courses

Difference between online and virtual courses

Difference between online and virtual courses

Learning online is a vast landscape. If asked, most of us would describe learning online in one specific way: learning on a computer / laptop. But learning online is more nuanced and includes a spectrum of characteristics. The terms online learning, virtual learning, e-learning, distance learning, and blended learning are unique; each refers to the act of using technology in learning, but how participants engage in that process is different.

The world does not universally agree on what each term means. Some people use these terms interchangeably while others had differing definitions for the same term. The definitions below represent our and in my professional opinion, the most accurate and current definitions:


GeoModes online courses:

  • During our online courses participants learn at their own pace and at their convenience without engagement of the instructor in real-time.
  • The online course content includes course material in the form of PowerPoint slides, pre-recorded video lectures and tutorials, additional reading material, tests and quizzes, homework and assignments which can be easily accessed by the participants enrolled on the course at any time.
  • Upon successful completion of an online course, participants can book 1 hr live session with an instructor for any additional questions.


GeoModes virtual courses:

  • Our virtual courses are live sessions with an instructor. Apart from using a remote digital connection (via laptop/computer) these courses do not differ from our classroom taught courses.
  • Our virtual courses are delivered via Zoom to a maximum of 10 participants to maintain a personal touch.
  • Our virtual courses are highly interactive and discussion-based so a stable internet connection and a laptop or computer with a microphone and webcam are required.
  • Participants and the instructor meet to communicate with voice, video, and a dashboard. Live virtual courses require participants and the instructor to be online at the same time.
  • All participants are required to attend a technical walkthrough with the course instructor prior to attending a virtual course to ensure the smooth running of the course and full engagement and collaboration from participants during the course


Whatever mode of learning you choose with us, we are certain you will obtain full satisfaction from the learning process and start using the acquired knowledge from day one. But most importantly you will enjoy it. We guarantee it.


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