Why we do It

Our mission

The traditional education system is obsolete and does not fulfil its role anymore. We know that the same approach to knowledge acquisition will not fit us all. That is why we created a human-centred learning process adjusted to meet your specific needs.

We challenge the educational status quo by making our products and services simple to use, customized and available to everyone regardless of their position and geographical location. But the most importantly, we want you to stop thinking about learning as something dull, difficult and tiring and start thinking of it as something exciting, empowering and comfortable.

We created GeoModes for you to enjoy learning. This is in our DNA.


Our values

  • We believe in simplicity
    “If you cannot explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” We live by this.

  • We practice the theory
    In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not.
    We bring the theory to life to make things work.

  • We make it available for everyone
    We create affordable educational tools for individuals within the oil and gas industry.

  • We are comfortable being uncomfortable
    We challenge ourselves, seek clients’ feedback, continuously improve and adapt for the ultimate success no matter how uncomfortable it is. This is the only way to grow.

  • We enjoy it
    If what we do is not enjoyable, it means we are not doing it right. This applies to our clients and ourselves.

GeoModes ownership

Piotr Przybylo

CEO & Founder

Vanessa Samuels

Head of operations

& legal affairs

Get in Touch

whatever your query is, we are here to help.
simply fill out your details and submit with one click.

Alternatively please use our email below to get in touch with us.

Email: [email protected]