Publish with us

publish with us

If you have a passion for writing, but do not have a platform for your audience, we are here to help. Whether you are a new author or have been previously published, we would like to hear from you and publish your work on our website, across our social media platforms and with our external partners.

If your article is published with us, you will become a part of a team that collaborates to write disruptive, thought provoking articles on a range of topics which impact the oil and gas industry. You will share your ideas and we will share the responsibility of making them visible.

What we are looking for:

  • white papers about any energy topic of your choice.
  • a fresh approach, sharp, modern and out-of-the-box view and though-provoking writing.
  • Word document with a maximum of 5000 words (excluding tables, graphs and figures)

Once you have submitted your article, the review process may take up to six weeks.

We will contact you once a decision has been reached with details of the next steps.

Join us to inspire and educate the minds of the energy industry!

Submit your article

Get in Touch

whatever your query is, we are here to help.
simply fill out your details and submit with one click.

Alternatively please use our email below to get in touch with us.

Email: [email protected]