Last week I had the pleasure of participating in the online debate “The Geopolitics of Energy and Climate – French and Polish Perspectives” during which I stated that the biggest threat to energy transformation is not the speed of technological advancement, the cost of the energy transition, or compliance with EU green policies by various countries.
The biggest threat to the energy sector is the lack of the required skillset and the resources needed for energy transition, as it will affect the speed of the transition, the availability of the technologies, and impact the cost of the transition depending on whether sufficient resources are available or not.
In the current fast-changing world, apart from filling the expertise gap in the job market, universities should play a critical role in looking into the future and anticipating technological trends upfront to give graduates a chance on the job market. It takes 5 years to graduate with a master’s degree, so the new disciplines need to appear in the universities’ curricula before this expertise is needed or before a business realizes that it needs them.
Universities are best placed to drive energy transition, by being responsive to signs from businesses and reacting quickly to educate new entrants to the job market.
At GeoModes, we support and collaborate with universities and other educational institutions which focus on exploring, developing, and teaching the skills required for driving forward the energy transition. Contact us and find out more about how our transformative educational programmes can help your university to fill up the expertise gap in the current job market.